TimeBank FAQ’s

Image credited to Cronkite News
Image credited to Cronkite News
Isn’t TimeBanking the same as bartering?
  • Nope – in TimeBanking, you don’t need to decide how you’re going to work out an equitable trade with an individual.  Instead, you perform the service — and bank the hour(s).  Then, you decide how and when to spend your hours with any other member of the TimeBank.
What kind of services can I expect to give and receive?
  • Great question!  Some of the most common transactions involve things that are considered “neighborly things”: a ride to the doctor, help in the garden, tutoring, cooking meals. But if you have more specialized skills you’re willing to offer — go for it!  Teach guitar, help with a small businesswoman’s books, or build cabinets for someone.  That’s the glory of this system — everything is possible.  Remember: everyone has something to offer, and all work has the same value.  A time dollar = a time dollar.  Click over to a crazy-big list of commonly exchanged services here.
How is my Time Dollar balance tracked?
  • Cville TimeBank is an affiliate of hOurworld, and uses their Time and Talents software to list service offers and requests, and to track member balances.  Don’t worry – it’s not hard, and you don’t have to ‘bank’ a lot of hours before accepting an offer from another member.  You are allowed to “overdraw” your account – at some point you’ll perform a service for someone else, and will make a deposit to bring your balance back up.  You won’t get that kind of trust from a big commercial bank, would you?
How do I join Cville TimeBank?